All Imagadmin

RFE Response Builder Brochure

Imagility’s ‘RFE Response Builder’ feature offers a comprehensive solution tailored to simplify and refine your response to complex Requests for Evidence (RFEs). This unique feature, integrated within Imagility’s suite of…


Automated Workflows

Imagility’s Automated Workflows feature redefines immigration management by simplifying complex procedures into intuitive workflows. It effortlessly integrates profile data, automates petition preparation, and offers guided petition building with proactive notifications.…


Newsletter Dec 2023

Annual AILA New York Chapter Immigration Law Symposium Following a hiatus of three years, the AILA New York Chapter Immigration Law Symposium took place on December 4, 2023, in New…


How AI Improves Client Experience in Immigration Law

Explore the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on client experience in immigration law firms. Discover how AI streamlines processes, enhances communication, and ensures personalized legal services.


Comprehensive Guide on H-1B Visa Petitions

Explore our Comprehensive Guide on H-1B Visa Petitions for crucial insights into the intricate H-1B visa process, including eligibility, USCIS timelines, and Imagility’s innovative technology.
