Mark Your Calendars Key Dates for H-1B Registration Process

Mark Your Calendars: Key Dates for H-1B Registration Process

In preparation for the H-1B Registration Process, here are the key dates to mark on your calendar:

  • February 28: Commencing at noon Eastern, petitioners and registrants can initiate the creation of H-1B registrant accounts.
  • March 6: The H-1B registration period officially opens at noon Eastern.
  • March 22: Closing at noon Eastern, the H-1B registration period concludes.
  • March 31: USCIS intends to notify selected registrants by this date.
  • April 1: The earliest date for filing FY 2025 H-1B cap-subject petitions based on the registrations selected during the initial FY 2025 selection period.

Stay informed and adhere to these dates for a smooth and timely H-1B filing process.