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PDF to workflow

This powerful feature converts a PDF to a visa workflow. PDF to Workflow feature can be used while creating timeline steps for a visa.


Visa Designer

Imagility’s Visa Designer is a tool which can be used to design visas or to make changes to available visas. This cuts down on form creation time and quickly reflects…


Petition Analysis Datasheet

Petition Analysis feature is AI algorithm based and carries out an elaborate process of checks through built petitions and makes intelligent recommendations through reports to improve petition success rates.


A Comprehensive Guide on DOL H-1B Audits

Here’s a comprehensive guide to help prepare your business for Department of Labor (DOL) H-B audits. Learn why audits occur, and how to navigate them.


Public Access Files Playbook

This Public Access File playbook is an attempt to make employers aware that the Public Access File must be made accessible for inspection to any potentially interested parties, including auditors…


Form I-9 – Your Compliance FAQs Answered

Discover answers to the most commonly asked questions about Form I-9 compliance, an important document for verifying an employee’s eligibility to work in the U.S.
