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USA Immigration

USA Immigration: Everything You Need to Know

Immigration has been a staple topic of discussion in the United States of America (USA). A recent report reflects that the developed region houses about a fifth of the total…

Visa Stamping

The Visa Stamping Playbook

The Visa Stamping Playbook covers steps to get your visa stamped at the US consulate in your country. When do you need visa stamping? How to go about it? Preparing…


The H-1B Playbook

The H-1B Playbook will cover strategies to effectively build H1B petition elements that will drastically reduce denials and RFEs. We have included interesting snippets, facts, and statistics to provide comprehensive…

Petition analysis

How Petition Analysis can increase H-1B approvals

Introduction Immigration is shifting constantly, particularly in the last four years, given the changes in political and economic scenario over the last few decades. As a result of the BAHA…

Tailwinds behind a large IT solutions Company

Tailwinds behind a large IT solutions Company

This IT solutions company had an in-house tool to help them file petitions smoothly. With increasing rates of denials and RFEs, the team was spending more and more time building…

imagility immigration software

How we helped a large Services Company

A large MNC applying for H-1Bs in large numbers, was seeing a 40% jump in denials and RFEs with an experienced Immigration team handling the load. Helpdesk was getting over…

visa stamping process

A Walkthrough Visa Stamping

Even if you have an approved H-1B visa petition, your H-1B work permit is incomplete without visa stamping. Know the rules, the process, how to prepare for the interview, how…

professional app, immigration software

Professional Visa App Infographic

Imagility’s Professional App (‘ImagilityProfessional’) enables temporary workers or professionals to enter or update their profile information and track petitions filed by their companies.

student app, immigration software

USA Student Visa App Infographic

Imagility’s Student App (‘StudentVisaUSA’) smoothens the F-1 visa process for students. Imagility helps students find universities of their choice, apply to them, and prepare for the visa process.

immigration software

Specialty Occupation

The key elements of a H-1B petition define its depth and quality and can clearly affect its adjudication. Specialty Occupation which proves the specialized nature of a position, forms the…
