USCIS Fee Schedule Revisions Set to Take Effect on April 1st

USCIS Fee Schedule Revisions Set to Take Effect on April 1st

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that the updated U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Fee Schedule, published in the Federal Register on January 31, 2024, will come into effect on April 1st. The revised fee schedule aims to adjust certain benefit request fees and introduce exemptions for specific humanitarian categories. Responding to public feedback on the USCIS fee schedule proposal released in January 2023, DHS made several adjustments to address concerns, including those raised by the National Immigration Law Center (NILC).

Key Points to Note:

Implementation Date: The new fees are expected to be effective from April 1, 2024. Applications and petitions postmarked on or after this date must include the new fees, as USCIS will not accept submissions with outdated fees.

Online Application Discount: Applicants filing certain forms online will receive a $50 discount. While USCIS encourages online filing to streamline the process, paper filings will still be accepted to ensure accessibility for low-income immigrants with limited internet access.

Work Authorization Fee Increase: The fee for requesting work authorization, as seen in Form I-765, will see a moderate increase. While the fee was raised less than initially proposed, the filing cost for Form I-765 will be $470 for online submissions and $520 for paper filings.

Fee Exemptions and Waivers: USCIS expanded fee exemptions for various processes, including U-visa, T-visa, and VAWA applications. Additionally, fee reductions are offered for naturalization, allowing applicants with household incomes at or below 400% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines to pay half of the regular Form N-400 fee.

USCIS Website Updates: USCIS conducts biennial fee reviews, and while the final rule reserves the right to adjust fees due to inflation, any changes will be reflected on the USCIS website. The website provides details on form edition dates and any payment method updates to prevent submission delays.

Before filing any applications, individuals are advised to check the USCIS website for the latest information to ensure compliance with fee requirements and avoid processing delays

Source: NILC