Report Reveals Immigrants' Significant Economic Contribution in New Jersey Amid Presidential Election Debate

Report Reveals Immigrants’ Significant Economic Contribution in New Jersey Amid Presidential Election Debate

A newly released report sheds light on immigrants’ substantial impact on New Jersey’s economy, providing crucial data amidst the intense discourse on immigration leading up to the 2024 presidential election. According to the report, for every thousand immigrants entering the state, $21 million is earned in wages within the first year, with $1.8 million contributed in state and local taxes. Over five years, this group is projected to earn a total of $33 million in wages and pay $2.9 million in taxes. Prepared jointly by the New Jersey Policy Perspective and the Immigration Research Initiative, the study underscores the economic significance of immigrants, who make up approximately 29% of the state’s labor force. As immigration continues to be a contentious issue, with prominent figures like former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden weighing in, the report provides valuable insights into the economic dynamics at play.


Source: MSN