Imagility’s Unique Approach to Document Storage: Why Secure AWS Integration Matters

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In today’s digital world, it’s crucial to keep sensitive documents safe, especially in immigration where personal data is often used. Imagility uses AWS (Amazon Web Services) for document storage, offering a strong and secure solution. This makes Imagility’s approach to document security stand out.

Here’s why its secure AWS integration is a game changer.

Comprehensive Security Measures

  1. Server Security

Imagility’s servers are hosted on AWS Cloud, which is renowned for its high-security standards. The following are its key features.

  • AICPA SOC 2 Type II Certification: This certification, achieved through independent audits by Ernst & Young LLP, demonstrates AWS’s adherence to rigorous information security controls.
  • Physical Security: AWS data centers are built with extensive security measures, including controlled physical access, environmental controls, and regular threat assessments.
  • Network Access Control: Imagility uses secured access through SSH keys, enforces strict user permissions, and employs a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with whitelisted IP addresses to enhance network security.
  1. Application Security

Imagility implements robust security practices at the application level to protect user data.

  • Strong Login & Password Policies: The platform enforces stringent password policies and secure login methods, ensuring that only authorized users can access sensitive information.
  • Permission-Based Access: Access to various functions and APIs is tightly controlled based on user permissions, minimizing the risk of unauthorized actions.
  • Updated Software and Good Development Practices: Regular updates and adherence to industry-standard development practices help protect against vulnerabilities and injection-based attacks.
  1. Data Security

Data security is a cornerstone of Imagility’s platform, encompassing both data at rest and in transit.

  • Data at Rest: Sensitive data is stored in secure databases and network file storage (NFS) with strict access controls. Data is encrypted and encoded, ensuring that even if unauthorized access occurs, the data remains protected.
  • Data in Transit: HTTPS connections (SSL/TLS 1.2) are used to encrypt data during transmission, safeguarding it from interception or tampering.

Why AWS Integration Matters

  1. Scalability and Flexibility

AWS offers unmatched scalability, allowing Imagility to handle varying volumes of data seamlessly. Whether expanding storage needs or accommodating increased user activity, AWS’s flexible infrastructure supports growth without compromising performance.

  1. High Availability and Reliability

AWS’s global network of data centers ensures high availability and redundancy. Imagility benefits from this infrastructure to provide reliable access to documents and minimize the risk of data loss due to hardware failures or other disruptions.

  1. Compliance and Standards

AWS’s compliance with industry standards and regulations, including GDPR and HIPAA, aligns with Imagility’s commitment to meeting legal and regulatory requirements. This integration helps Imagility ensure that all data-handling practices meet stringent compliance standards.

  1. Advanced Monitoring and Alerts

Imagility utilizes AWS Cloud’s monitoring services and Nagios for process monitoring. This setup allows for real-time alerts and detailed reporting on server and process performance, enabling quick responses to any potential issues.

ISO 27001 Compliant

As an ISO 27001-compliant platform, Imagility adheres to the highest standards of information security management, ensuring that all data is protected with rigorous risk management practices. This certification reflects Imagility’s commitment to safeguarding customer information, leveraging AWS’s robust security features, and continuously improving its security posture to meet global standards and regulatory requirements.


Imagility’s integration with AWS exemplifies a commitment to data security and operational excellence. By leveraging AWS’s advanced security features, scalability, and reliability, Imagility provides a secure and efficient document storage solution tailored to the needs of immigration services. This approach not only protects sensitive information but also enhances the overall user experience, ensuring that clients can trust in the security and reliability of their document management.

For more information on how Imagility ensures the highest level of security for your data, visit or contact us at +1 603 782 4622/+1 617 865 6588.

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