December Witnesses a 4% Reduction in Green Card Backlog, Increased Interview Scheduling

The National Visa Center (NVC) under the Department of State reported a noteworthy 4% decrease in the immigrant visa (IV) backlog, with numbers dropping from 304,773 in November to 292,105 in December. Additionally, the count of green card applicants with completed documentation, ready for interview scheduling, experienced a modest 1% decrease from 341,392 in November to 337,870.

A case deemed “documentarily complete” indicates that all requisite forms and documents have been submitted and accepted by the NVC, signaling preparedness for interview scheduling. Interestingly, the month of December witnessed a surge in the number of individuals scheduled for green card interviews, reaching 45,765 compared to 36,619 interviews in November, pointing towards increased processing efficiency.


Source: Boundless