
Petition Builder Easy to use

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Petition Building through Imagility

The Petition Builder goes beyond the traditional form filling and captures subject matter for effective petition building. It provides users a way to build a detailed explanation for the necessary issues an adjudicator expects to be addressed as part of a petition.

Petition timelines are accessible by all the stakeholders who are part of the petition, i.e., Beneficiary, Petitioner and Attorney in their respective logins to Imagility. All of them can collaboratively work on their relevant sections as required. This provides the ability to view the status of steps that others are working on. Completely transparent and collaborative petition building.

Designing a Visa Petition

Imagility’s guided petition building through color-coded timeline steps helps build a well-structured petition with well-defined key elements.

1. Designs Effective Job Descriptions

  • Position details with duties & sub-duties
  • Education, technical skills & tool requirements

2. Recommends SOC Code

Refers OOH for details of tasks, education, wages etc.
Picks and recommends SOC code with right education & wage level

3. Details the Position as Specialty Occupation

  • Shows minimum bachelor’s degree
  • Matches appropriate wage levels

4. Elaborates Beneficiary Qualifications

  • Education/work experience details
  • Itinerary of services to map education and work experience to position details

5. Demonstrates Employer Employee Relationship

  • Proves extent of supervision, Right to control
  • Right to hire, pay and fire

6. Detailed Support & Cover Letter

  • Executive summary of petition and its elements
  • List/overview of all supporting documents

7. Generate a Single PDF for preview

  • Cover & support letter included in the single pdf
  • Preview all key elements pulled together as a single pdf

8. Petition Review by Virtual Adjudicator

  • It runs an elaborate process of checks through built petition elements
  • Automated petition analysis with recommendations to cover all gaps and improve success rates
  • Petition analysis can be run infinite times till the petition reaches its optimal level in completeness with necessary documentation.