OCR Technology Powers
Bulk Data Extraction

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology includes real-time extraction of data from beneficiary documents and auto populating form fields. This enables users to extract data in bulk, saves times and enhances data accuracy.

OCR-enabled Data

Real-time extraction of data from beneficiary data using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology.

Data from beneficiary resume, immigration/education documents is extracted and auto populated into petition form fields saving hours of manual work.

OCR on Imagility

Two powerful features on the Imagility Immigration Platform are powered by OCR technology.

OCR in Bulk Upload Process

1. Reads multiple beneficiary
documents from a Google Drive path.

2. Parses multiple beneficiary documents and auto-populates relevant template columns.

4. Upload auto populated templates to create multiple petitions in minutes.

OCR in Immigration Wizard

1. Individual details step during petition building (through Wizard) is powered by OCR technology.

2. Attorney/petitioner need to first upload beneficiary/individual documents here.

4. Data from uploaded beneficiary documents like resume, immigration/education documents is extracted and auto populated into petition form fields, saving hours of manual work.

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