Imagility News

Immigration Advocates Assert President Biden Faces Challenges with ‘No Clear Wins’ on Border Policy

Immigration advocates conveyed their frustration with President Biden’s perceived lack of clarity in border policies, stating that his administration has experienced “no clear wins” on immigration, as reported by NBC News on Saturday. Janet Murguía, the president of UnidosUS, a Hispanic civil rights and advocacy group, emphasized the challenges, describing the situation as “one step forward and two steps back,” and expressing concerns about the effectiveness of the administration’s case.

NBC News highlighted the president’s struggle to articulate a cohesive explanation of his immigration policies. Murguía criticized the president’s communication, labeling it as “very confusing” and suggesting a lack of consistency in positive and draconian policy shifts.

Vanessa Cárdenas, the executive director of America’s Voice, a pro-immigration advocacy group, echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the difficulty for voters to discern the administration’s stance. Cárdenas noted a pattern of positive actions followed by a return to draconian policies, reinforcing the perception that the White House lacks a cohesive immigration strategy.

In November, Biden’s administration approved $950 million in contracts to repair and upgrade parts of the existing border wall construction in Arizona, California, and Texas, using funds from Trump-era congressional appropriations. Advocates expressed disappointment, with Cárdenas pointing out that this decision contradicted sentiments that led voters to reject Trump.

Democratic governors also raised concerns about the president’s border policies, especially as northern states like New York grapple with an increase in migrant arrivals. New York City Councilman Justin Brannan, discussing the migrant crisis with the Biden administration and lawmakers in Washington, criticized the lack of White House response, highlighting the challenges faced by municipalities in managing an international migrant crisis without appropriate resources.

The approval of the border wall construction drew criticism from Democrats, with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stating that the administration was not obligated to expand construction or waive environmental laws. She urged the president to take responsibility for the decision and reverse course.

Source: Fox News