Imagility News

GOP Presidential Contenders Echo Trump’s Immigration Policies as Dominant Theme

WASHINGTON — The majority of contenders in the 2024 Republican presidential race are aligning with the stringent immigration policies championed by front-runner and former President Donald Trump.

Policies once considered far-right have become common talking points among GOP candidates, including support for building a Southern U.S.-Mexico border wall and terminating birthright citizenship for American-born children of undocumented immigrants. These positions challenge the protection enshrined in the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Candidates also advocate for reinstating Title 42, a pandemic-era immigration policy that immediately expelled migrants and denied them asylum claims. Although the policy was terminated by the Biden administration earlier this year, GOP candidates argue for its revival due to the high number of migrants seeking asylum.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection data reveals an increase in encounters with migrants at the U.S. Southern border. In fiscal year 2022, there were nearly 2.4 million encounters, and in fiscal year 2023, ending on Oct. 1, there were almost 2.5 million encounters.

GOP candidates emphasizing increased border security cite the opioid crisis and illicit fentanyl smuggling into the U.S. More than 150 people die daily from fentanyl-related overdoses, a topic addressed in the latest GOP presidential debate.

The stance on immigration policies differs among candidates:

Former President Donald J. Trump: Building on his first term, Trump plans to expand the “Muslim travel ban” and implement an “ideological screening” for immigrants. He supports mass deportations, the reinstatement of the “remain in Mexico” policy, and ending birthright citizenship.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis: Echoing Trump’s policies, DeSantis advocates ending birthright citizenship, reinstating the “remain in Mexico” policy, deploying the military to the border, and supporting mass deportations.

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley: Haley proposes ending trade relations with China, increasing border patrol and ICE agents, and withdrawing federal funding from sanctuary cities. She aims to end the policy allowing migrants awaiting asylum hearings to live in the U.S.

Entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy: Advocating for military deployment to the border, Ramaswamy calls for an end to birthright citizenship and mass deportation. He also proposes restricting H-1B visa programs for temporary workers.

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie: While specifics on his immigration stance are limited, Christie emphasizes securing the Southern border to address the fentanyl crisis and treating addiction as a disease.

Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson: Supporting state-based visas, Hutchinson believes a one-size-fits-all approach to immigration does not serve America’s varied industries and economies.

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum: Supporting National Guard deployment to the Southern border, Burgum addresses challenges in immigration law and acknowledges the need to address workforce issues.

Pastor and Entrepreneur Ryan Binkley: Proposing a comprehensive “Dignity Plan” for undocumented immigrants, Binkley advocates for border security technology, barriers, and pathways to legal status and citizenship.

As the GOP presidential candidates align with Trump’s immigration policies, the debate on the approach to border security and immigration continues to shape the party’s platform for the 2024 election.

Source: Wisconsin Examiner