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H-1B Initial Denials

The number of H-1B denials has risen over the years. Play around with this interactive…

visa stamping process

A Walkthrough Visa Stamping

Even if you have an approved H-1B visa petition, your H-1B work permit is incomplete…

professional app, immigration software

Professional Visa App Infographic

Imagility’s Professional App (‘ImagilityProfessional’) enables temporary workers or professionals to enter or update their profile…

student app, immigration software

USA Student Visa App Infographic

Imagility’s Student App (‘StudentVisaUSA’) smoothens the F-1 visa process for students. Imagility helps students find…

immigration software

Specialty Occupation

The key elements of a H-1B petition define its depth and quality and can clearly…

Standard Data Migration, immigration software

Standard Data Migration

Imagility is a cloud-based end-to-end immigration platform and follows a 3-step migration process for smooth…

H-1B Petition, immigration software

Designing a H-1B petition

Imagility’s automated petition building helps build a well-structured H-1B petition with well-defined key elements.
